Our Most Valuable Asset

Longwood Security features leading-edge technology, but technology can only do so much. That's why we're especially proud of our successes in the critical area of human resource management. After all, it's the front-line officer and supervisor who determine the outcome of our combined efforts.

Even before we began introducing technology into the mix, we devoted years to developing unique people-oriented management and training systems. These systems are based on our core values of ensuring fairness, demonstrating caring in even the little things, and publicly living out our image, service, and leadership expectations daily.

To reinforce our core values and strategies, we incorporate a variety of pay-for-performance incentives into our people-oriented management systems.

Our people receive better training and are offered more opportunities to grow through our well-defined 14-step Career Ladder™. Our success here is evidenced, in part, by our having the highest employee retention rate in the industry and by the hundreds of letters of commendation our people have received.